A chilled afternoon with beauty sited all around as a thin sheet of ice and snow blanketed the lush earth and trees of the forest as the winter began showing a mix of frosted brown bark, faded green leaves and grass covered in a freshly bright white quilt of snow, the silence of the nature disturbed only by the sounds of music as the wind blew through the trees and the birds singing their afternoon chorus as other woodland creatures rested softly over hibernation and all sheltered by a misty spraying of fog.
Suddenly the softened noise was stolen by a thunderous crack of lone pistol being fired and the beat of sprinting steps as Imala the wolf spirit and mother of the forest and woodlands belted through seeping tears and bleeding, limping and running for her life. Being chased by a tall, broad dark figure that barrelled through toppling trees and slicing at twigs and tree bark bludgeoning and assaulting the trees that got in its path, trudging prints of red hot black oil that denatured and scolded the snow and grass beneath it, in it's hands wielding an axe in one and a flintlock pistol in the other chasing Imala till she got to the base of a cliff and had no other choice but to turn and face her fate.
As the shadowy hunter began emerged through the destruction of his path and the fog Imala used what strength she had to bark a slicing frost at the figure freezing his forearm and pistol causing the weapon to smash between his now tight and solid ice hand , as the crystal ice began to climb his arm he was left no choice but to use the axe on himself and sliced from the elbow gritting his now visible yellow cracked teeth as blood poured from his now severed arm the axe cutting through like a hot knife through butter. Imala realized her demise was inevitable but knew she had to do something that would mean she hadn't left this plain in vain, so she bit into the side of the cliff leaving the top and bottom right of her canine teeth into the side as she had left the rest of her mystical powers in those teeth and with those teeth she left her hatred for the creature responsible, as her thoughts were right as to believe the hunter wanted the powers that she wielded by killing her for her beautiful smoke grey pelt.
As she turned to face her end the hunters envious and evil green eyes pierced Imala's weakened glance as she slowly limped closer bleeding from the cuts from the axe, wound from the now destroyed pistol and now from her missing teeth, the last hope for her woodland domain, her soft blue eyes hazed and fading as the hunter walked closer raising his axe Imala lay down in front of the being realizing the end was close and made her peace with the forest and had her last thought wanting to have at least one last good day dream as the skies turned to night she thought of how she used to wisp through the trees her foot pads barely disturbing the earth whatever weather, she thought of the friends she'd encountered the love she had and had protected and her regrets seeming so small knowing the choices in her life were still hers and her life had been good no matter what, in the end, as the hunters axe silenced her stuttered breathing, she had at least left the world knowing her last thought was a good one.
To be continued....
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